IP Wales is creating a series of useful guides specifically aimed at helping SMEs to understand the threats posed to their business, the steps they can take to protect themselves against cyberthreats and what should be done in the event of an attack.
The first guide, SMEs Outsourcing Cybersecurity Incident Response & Data Recovery Activities, covers topics like outsourcing, insurance, and what should be covered by bespoke protection. If you’d like to take a look at this useful guide, find it here.
The second guide, SMEs Reporting IP Cybercrime, looks at how SMEs can recognise when they’ve been victims of cybercrime, and what the reporting process is/should be.
The third guide, Who is Threatening SME Clients and Why? IP Wales is also liaising with the Welsh Government on a five minute SME survey all about cybersecurity and cybercrime – to take part, just click here.
If you have any questions about cybersecurity or intellectual property, please get in touch with our team.