The art of recruiting in 2021

The pandemic turned much of what we knew about the world of work on its head. Recruitment has seen dramatic changes which are likely to stay with us for some time, if not permanently, says Jonathan Brooks-Jones.

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Chief among these changes is the wide uptake of remote and agile working. Job markets have now expanded nationally, and even into the international sphere, as people realise that they don’t need to live in the same city (or even, country) that their employer is based in. Jobs in major cities can now be worked remotely by anyone with a decent internet connection. The role out of 5G and improved broadband infrastructure will only reinforce this as a viable long-term arrangement is.

Remote working also calls into question the value and relevance of office environment and location as part of the overall reward package. How well will offices famous for having sleeping pods, crazy golf, and ping pong tables continue to attract people to work for them? After all, their home office also offers a ‘sleeping pod’ and various entertainment systems.

On the other hand, should all employers start thinking about how to make their workplaces more vibrant and appealing, to stand out from the crowd, and incentivize employees to use the office instead of working from home? Building culture, values, and engagement happen much more easily and naturally when working face-to-face, and for many people, the choice of working from home or at the office is a genuine dilemma. How can employers take the lead and make their offering irresistible to candidates?

The pandemic has also had a significant impact on the recruitment process, with a huge increase in interviews being held virtually. As candidates apply from further and further afield, a mixture of virtual and in-person interviews and assessments is likely to be a permanent feature. Employers need to be sure that their virtual processes are as robust as the in-person ones are.

Good businesses need good people to succeed, but the best businesses need the best. Our consultants at Capital People are always looking to help clients build their teams with the best people. Between our internal expertise and partnerships with the best recruiters in South Wales, we can support you to hire the people you need, whatever your sector and roles.

We can help make sure accurate, representative job descriptions find their way to the best candidates. We can also help ensure that the best candidates are the right cultural fit for your organisation, and that they will uphold the values and culture you’ve worked so hard to develop.

Designing job adverts and descriptions

It is essential that your business aims, culture, and roles are properly represented to candidates. We will work with you to ensure consistency and clarity in your communication. This helps maintain and build your reputation with candidates as an employer of choice.

Salary and benefits

Our extensive experience in salary benchmarking and reward can help ensure that your offer to candidates is attractive and fair in comparison with your own Reward structure and the wider market.

Candidate CVs

Our recruiters will provide you with only the best and most appropriate candidates. Our goal is to provide you with the quality you’ve come to expect from us.

CV Feedback

We act as the bridge between your role and candidates, and will identify the most efficient way to provide feedback to ensure the candidate experience represents your business in the best way possible.

Psychometric testing

Before hiring your chosen candidate, we can carry out a psychometric assessment to determine their fit for your organisation’s culture and team dynamic to ensure you get and keep the absolute best candidates.

If you would like to learn more about how we can help your organisation and its people, please do get in touch.